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Special Episode | Season 2 | Episode 30: Life Changing Injuries | Omni Wren


Omni became a Transformational Coach for Life Changing Injuries after her own experiences of multiple trauma. Around 15 years ago when she was 21 performing a full-time degree, had three jobs, and was living with her long-term partner in their flat. By all accounts, guess you could say she was happy and felt she was off to a good start in life. She was in a car accident and acquired her first set of injuries, which lead to chronic pain, fatigue, and nerve damage down her right arm and fingers. It took her a long time to get back to health after this accident. After many appointments with professionals and pain clinics, she went and lived in a rehabilitation center for pain patients and followed a care plan. It took her 6 years to get back on her feet after this accident. She achieved it and got herself another job. Excited to return to work, but never made it. She ended up in another car accident on the way. This accident was worse and left her with more injuries including nerve damage down her left side down her left arm, along her left leg, and down into her foot. Omni became incontinent with bladder damage and developed PTSD. For two years she was in and out of hospital before then had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the whole right side of her large intestine and a good amount of her small. Omni almost lost her life in this operation as a result of seatbelt trauma. She spent 5 weeks in a hospital bed nil by mouth living on machines before she moved back to her parents for a further 2 months of recovery.

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